Detta är medlemsreglerna, som är tagna direkt från den Amerikanska hemsidan.
Översättning kommer att komma i framtiden.

1) SOUTHERN CRUISERS RIDING CLUB�, from here on known as the SCRC, in the United States is the National and International Headquarters for the Southern Cruisers Riding Club� and all local Chapters and Membership will take direction from said Headquarters and will comply with the constitution of this organization. Any information about the Southern Cruisers Riding Club� and the operation of its Constitution should be directed to the National President, Bill Presley

2) For those that wish to form a Chapter you must apply to the Southern Cruisers by utilizing the Online Chapter Form located at: 1st Officers must be 21 years of age or older and have a valid motorcycle endorsement on their license.  After review of the instructions on the Chapter Form, and if the applicant agrees with the information listed here, the Vice President will contact the local Regional Officer for the state in which the proposed would be located. The State Officer would make contact with the applicant and the First Officers of any other Chapters that would be deemed to be in close proximity for information on whether this Chapter is in the best interest of the SCRC. After approval has been obtained, the applicant will then be required to purchase the Club Patch.  Upon submitting proof of purchase, the Vice President will then open the Chapter and assign the Chapter a Chapter Number. The applicant that applies for an SCRC Chapter will at that point be known as the 1st Officer of that Chapter and will take direction from the State Officer in which they applied. Any information needed about Chapters and Officers of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club� will need to be directed to the President of the SCRC.

3) All First Officers of formed Chapters will be sent the current codes to access those areas restricted to Club Officers.  The First Officer may also place within the Chapter a Second Officer with the approval of the President, Regional and State Officers.

4) All First Officers must maintain current Email, Phone Number and Address with the SCRC. Officers who do not maintain lines of communication with SCRC National, their Regional Officer, their State Officer and their Chapter members shall be replaced. If no replacement First Officer is found, the Chapter will be closed and the remaining Membership moved to the closest Chapter. Any Member of the Chapter may contact the State Officer or National President as a request to assume the role as the New First Officer. The Regional Officer, State Officer and the National President will issue all decisions on these requests.

5) The Club Patch of the SCRC and the names ”SCRC” and ”Southern Cruisers Riding Club” are Registered Trademark and as such are not to be reproduced for sale by ANY member or outside entity ” Profit or Non Profit ” for any reason without the written permission of the SCRC Trademark Owner. Trademark information can be located at this site, The ”Patch” and the name ”Southern Cruisers Riding Club�” may be reproduced for Membership Cards, Letterhead, Newsletters and other similar items. All Graphics used on the National Web Site may be used on the Chapter Web Sites with permission from the SCRC. Chapter Web Sites will need to be approved before they are listed on the National Site and all updates involving the National Web Site will need to be directed to the Webmaster for the National Website.

6) The ”Patch”, as worn on the vest or jacket shall consist of the Winged Eagle worn on the upper half of the vest or jacket as the cut of the vest may allow. The SCRC Club Patch is not and should not be referred to as ”Colors”. No three-piece patches are permitted in the SCRC. No Member of the SCRC shall ever add the letters MC or wear the designation 1% on their vest, jacket or any other article of clothing while representing the SCRC. No M/C or 1% Support patches or any kind of MC support insignias, such as hats, T-shirts, stickers on helmets or bikes, or representations of any kind, will be displayed by members of the Southern Cruisers while wearing the SCRC patch, participating in Southern Cruisers events, or representing the Southern Cruisers in any way.  No Rockers/Chapter Location Bars – ”CLBs” that identify a City, State, or Territory or anything giving the appearance of a rocker will be worn with the SCRC wings on the back of the vest or jacket.  The Southern Cruisers is a neutral, family oriented, international riding club and cannot show preference to any one club over another. Other patches that present the Southern Cruisers in a bad light will also not be worn.  If there is any doubt, contact the National President for clarification.SAFETY

1) The Southern Cruisers Riding Club considers safety to be the most important feature of any ride. Given the nature of the club’s free structure and that membership in the SCRC is voluntary; at no time does the SCRC accept responsibility for any rider’s actions or lack of action before, during or after a ride. Safety information can be located at this site,

Each individual rider is 100% responsible for:
a) safely operating their vehicle in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws.
b) Making sure that they and their vehicle are un-impaired, and are currently functioning safely.
c) Making sure that they can perform and maneuver safely in the riding environment that they are in. Should they be not 100% sure of their ability in the current ride, they must remove themselves from the situation. At all times, each rider must ride within their capabilities.
d) Section (a) – (c) above and thus, ultimately, their own safety, actions and/or lack of action.
It is the duty of every rider to make sure the environment is safe for themselves as well as for other riders. In doing so, every ride will be as safe as possible.

2) The Southern Cruisers Riding Club does not condone drinking and riding. Anyone participating in a Southern Cruisers ride or event who consumes alcoholic beverages or any other substance that may impair their ability to operate a motorcycle or any other motor vehicle does so without the consent of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. Everyone that participates in a Southern Cruisers ride or event must follow the laws regarding driving under the influence set forth by the state within which that ride or event will take place.

3)  The Southern Cruisers Riding Club requires all members to follow and observe all State and Local Laws while participating in a Southern Cruisers Event.  The Southern Cruisers does not condone any illegal activities or practices while riding in or holding an event or ride including but not limited to parading and road blocking.  Whenever possible, event or ride organizers will coordinate with their local law enforcement or department of transportation for their assistance in road blocking for large processions.  If law enforcement assistance is not available, large groups must be split into smaller groups that will be manageable without blocking any intersection, streets or drives.  Any violation of this article will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and/or the National Officers and could lead to dismissal from the Southern Cruisers.

4) Any officer recognized by this constitution for the Southern Cruisers Riding Club may dismiss anyone participating in a Southern Cruisers ride or event if they are endangering the safety of ride participants. Ultimately it is the individual�s responsibility to maintain themselves in a safe and lawful manner.OFFICERS

No Officer of the SCRC may hold a post as an Officer of another similar or competing Club/Organization.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

1) The SCRC at the National and International level will consist of National President, National Vice President, National Membership Director, National Rides and Events Director. The term of service of these Officers is unlimited. If one of the National Positions becomes available, the new Officer will be voted in by the remaining National Officers. The National Officers have the right to vote in a New National Officer and to remove one when it becomes necessary to maintain the SCRC to its fullest capabilities.

2) The National President will oversee all activities within The Southern Cruisers Riding Club and all activities involving the Trademark of the Club. The National President will also maintain the National Web Site and will oversee all Officers and Members within the SCRC. The National President will also oversee the Rides and Events Director on all rides and events through out the SCRC.

3) The National Vice President will assist the National President in overseeing all activities with in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. The National President shall maintain the appointment of all Regional, State and First Officers. All Officers resigning positions shall inform the President and assist at finding a replacement. The National President prior to acceptance shall approve all replacements for State and local Chapter Officers and will oversee all Officers within the SCRC. The National President will approve all opening and closeting of any chapters in the SCRC and the National President will also oversee The National Membership Director.

4) The National Membership Director will oversee all activities of the General Membership of the SCRC. First Officers will update the National Membership Director on all status changes for Members. Any information regarding the General Membership of the SCRC should be directed to the National Membership Director.

5) Rides and Events Coordinator shall oversee all events throughout the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. The Rides and Events Coordinator will coordinate with All officers who are setting up a rally or event for their state/chapter to assure that the event has met the guidelines set forth for any SCRC event.

6) The Regional Officers are appointed by the President and the Vice President, to serve an unlimited term and may be removed by the same, or by action of the National Officers or Board of Directors for conduct that shows the SCRC in a bad light, or any other reason deemed in the best interest of the Club.

Their responsibilities include:
a) Maintaining contact with assigned State Officers.
b) Coordinating rides and events in their regions and relate neighboring state and national rides and events.

c) Ensure that State Officers in their region stay active and that National has their valid contact information including their email address and phone number.
d) Maintain an open line of Communication with the National Officers  as well as local Officers within their region.

e) Regional Officers must have been an actively participating member in the Southern Cruisers for a minimum of 1.5 years. They must have a working email address and phone number. Regional Officers will not hold any other Full-Time Officer position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

7) The State Officer shall be appointed by the Regional Officer and approved by the National President to serve an unlimited term and may be removed by the same, or by action of the National Officers, Regional Officer or Board of Directors for conduct that shows the SCRC in a bad light, or any other reason deemed in the best interest of the Club.

The State Officer duties include:
a) Assisting the National President in opening Chapters and determining if a new chapter should open when another chapter exists in close proximity.
b) Assisting the National President in replacement of First Officers in his state, whether they resign or are removed from office.
c) Maintaining communications between Chapter First Officers and the dissemination of information. State officers shall keep the National Officers and Regional Officerinformed of all matters that concern the SCRC.
d) Organizing a State Rally or Multi-Chapter Events.
e) State Officers must have been an actively participating member in the Southern Cruisers for a minimum of 1.5 years. They must have a working email address and phone number. 
f ) State Officers will not hold any other Full-Time Officer position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

) The Assistant State Officer shall be appointed by the State Officer with the approval of the Regional Officer and the National President to serve an unlimited term and may be removed by the same, or by action of the National Officers, Regional Officer, State Officer or Board of Directors for conduct that shows the SCRC in a bad light, or any other reason deemed in the best interest of the Club.

The Assistant State Officer duties include:
Assistant State Officers’ only duty is to assist the State Officer when needed in the handling of matters within that state.  The Assistant State officer, only when needed, is to step in and take the place of the State Officer.  However, Assistant State Officers cannot remove a member within the SCRC without first obtaining approval from the State Officer or National.
b) Assistant State Officers must have been an actively participating member in the Southern Cruisers for a minimum of 1.5 years. They must have a working email address and phone number.
c) Assistant  State Officers will not hold any other Full-Time Officer position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

) First Officers are those that have applied for a Chapter and are in charge of the same. First Officers must be 21 years of age or older. First Officers are required to purchase a large Southern Cruisers Riding Club patch. They are also required to wear the large patch as long as they are the first officer of the chapter or an Officer within the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. First Officers will use their own discretion as to their term of office. When leaving office, they may suggest candidates to the State Officer, Regional Officer and National President for appointment or an election may be held within the chapter with the approval of the National President.

The National President will approve all First Officers. First Officers may be removed by the National Officers, Regional Officer, State Officer with approval of the National Vice President, or by action of the Board of Directors, for conduct that shows the SCRC in a bad light, or any other reason deemed in the best interest of the Club.  Officers that resign their positions for any reason shall notify the State Officer and/or the National President.

All Officers who resign from their positions for other than hardship reasons will have a 6 month waiting period before they can be considered for another Officer position in the Southern Cruisers.  Hardship reasons consist of personal illness or that of a direct family member, death of a direct family member, relocation, temporary financial hardship or extreme time constraints placed on a member by employment, education or family.  Officers that have resigned due to hardship will be able to regain an Officers position based on the Chapter’s need and with the State Officer and National President�s approval.

All Officers that resign due to conflict of interests; or who have been negatively reviewed by the Board of Directors previously; or Officers that have been removed from their position for failing to follow the Club By-Laws or Officer Code of Conduct will not be allowed to hold an Officers position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club again.

First Officers duties are:
a) Keeping chapter Members informed of SCRC National policies and events and also local rides and events.
b) Maintaining communication with their State Officers, Regional Officers and National Officers.
c) Maintaining their chapter roster and notifying the National Membership Director of all changes in Membership status and member roster information.
d) Maintaining a ride schedule which includes regularly scheduled chapter rides and the possibility for impromptu rides.
e) They must have a working email address and phone number. First Officers will not hold any other Full-Time Officer position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

10) The National Vice President will approve all Second Officers. Second Officers may be removed by a National Officer, Regional Officer, State Officer or First Officer with approval of the National Vice President, or by action of the Board of Directors, for conduct that shows the SCRC in a bad light, or any other reason deemed in the best interest of the Club.

Second Officers duties are:
a) Second Officers’ only duty is to assist the First Officer when needed in the handling of matters within that Chapter.  The Second Officer, only when needed, is to step in and take the place of the First Officer.  However, Second Officers cannot remove a member within the SCRC without first obtaining approval from the First Officer or National.
b) They must have a working email address and phone number. Second Officers will not hold any other Full-Time Officer position in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

11) National Officers, Regional Officers, State Officers, Assistant State Officers and Chapter 1st and 2nd Officers are the only positions that will be recognized by the SCRC and have access to Officer’s Only material.

12) Other Officers may become necessary as the Club grows and will be established by the National Officers and duties described in this Constitution.

13) The National President or National Vice President or any National Officer can overrule any decision made by any Officer in the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.


1) The Board of Directors will consist of a panel of Members and at no time will fall to less than 5 members. They will be appointed by the President, Vice President, Chairman and Assistant Chairman of the Board of Directors. Board Members will serve on a year-to-year basis not to exceed more than Three Years as a Board Member. The Chairman and Assistant Chairman of the Board will serve an unlimited term until he/she or the National Officer deems it necessary to replace him/her. The Board will meet on-line for the discussion of issues that CANNOT be resolved by the General Membership, First Officer, State Officer or the Regional Officer.

2) Any Member has the right to address the Board for any grievance, but the Chain of Command should be followed in this order:
a) First Officer
b) State Officer
c) Regional Officer

3) A grievance may be presented to the Board Of Directors from our On-Line Form at this address   . All pertinent information must accompany the grievance. All grievances sent to the BOD for a review will be kept confidential and will not be released to the Public or the General Membership of the SCRC. The substance of the grievance will only be shared with the principals involved, the Board of Directors and National Officers. Any information and/or issues to be reviewed by the SCRC Board Of Directors will be done in Private.  You can contact the Chairman of the Board by E-Mail at this address  BOD@SouthernCruisers.Net .

4) Decisions of the SCRC Board of Directors are final, Subject to veto by the President of the SCRC.

5) Any Board Member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the remaining Board Members, SCRC President and Vice President. 


1) The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a free, voluntary club. There are no dues but there are some commitments. Membership in the SCRC is open to anyone with an interest in group riding regardless of race, creed or sex and all applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Operators of motorcycles must have a valid Motorcycle endorsement on their license. Members must be either a Rider or Passenger on a street legal Motorcycle t hat can maintain highway speeds.  Spouses, if they ride with their husband or wife as a passenger are eligible to join with the same Membership Status as the motorcycle operator. Non-riders will only be allowed Membership under special circumstances to be determined by the Chapter First Officer and any of the National Officers. The Southern Cruisers is an open club but retains the right to terminate the membership of any member that is found to be in violation of any part of this constitution or other club rules.

2) The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a No Dues, ”Family Oriented Club” and does require some attendance to Meetings or Rides. However, lack of Communications and Participation for One Year may lead to revocation of Membership at the discretion of the Chapter First Officer. Only after attempts to contact Member through Email, Telephone attempts or US Mail are not responded to or the attempts fail due to incorrect information. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet Club for Motorcycle enthusiasts.

3) Anyone wishing to apply for Membership shall either complete:
a) An application form that has been reproduced on paper and return it to the chapter 1st Officer, or
b) The On Line form at .
The words ”I AGREE” must be entered on the online form for consideration of Membership. A signature must appear if using reproduced forms. The SCRC and its Chapter Officers reserves the right to refuse Membership to anyone with the approval of the Membership Director.

4) Upon submittal of the Membership Application, the Chapter First Officer shall contact the new applicant as soon as possible, within a week preferably.

5) The First Officer may remove Membership from any Member that does not comply with the Constitution of the SCRC or acts in a manner that does not reflect the SCRC in a good light. The First Officer may also turn problems within the Chapter over to the State Officer for more direction on the problem with the intent to make a final decision that’s acceptable to the SCRC and the Membership of that Chapter

6)   Any member that has been active for Three (3) years or more that can not ride a motorcycle due to health reasons will be allowed to remain on the Chapter Roster as long as they remain active. If they no longer can remain active with a Chapter, they will be moved into the Honored Status so these Members can at least be part of the Southern Cruisers when they can.  National feels like removing a Member from the SCRC due to Health reasons just is not fair to our Members that were at one time active.

7)  The National President or Vice President and or any National Officer can at any time revoke or refuse membership to any person for the good of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club as a whole.MEETINGS

1) Meetings may consist of formal sit down or rides that are conducted by the Chapter.

2) Any National Officer, Regional Officer, State Officer, or Chapter First Officer may call meetings. Members of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club� may also request meetings by contacting the First Officer of that area and with approval may head this meeting.



 1) The SCRC will not discourage any member from attending a charity event or any chapter from conducting one. If the SCRC is to sponsor or its name is to be used in the promoting of such event, a request for approval of the event must be submitted to the Board Of Trustees Events Coordinator by filling out the application at this address:  

 2) The Board Of Trustees Events Coordinator must review all event logos, pins, banners, patches and shirts as well as any homemade items using the SCRC or the Wing logo for auction items, and approved by the National President  If the name, Southern Cruisers Riding Club�, SCRC, or the Club Emblem is to be used in the promotion of a charitable event, by a chapter or member, then the beneficiary (Charitable Organization) of the event must be approved by the President and Vice President.

 3). All SCRC approved events must have insurance coverage to protect the club and its members.  The Board Of Trustees Event Coordinator will ensure that all events are insured properly with the free St. Jude property damage policy when St. Jude is the beneficiary and to verify that every event obtains a liability policy through Event

 4) As events are approved, the Board Of Trustees  Finance/Accounting  will contact the event coordinator, via email, and provide a simple accounting spreadsheet for the event.  Upon completion of the event the accounting spreadsheet along with a copy of the check to the beneficiary shall be returned to the Board Of Trustees Finance/Accounting Coordinator for club transparency purposes. 

 5) No Bank accounts, Savings or Checking under any circumstance, will ever be opened under the name Southern Cruisers Riding Club by any Officer or Member unless approved by the Rickster (CEO) or the National President.

 6) Any Officer or Member involved in any acts of public nudity during a Southern Cruisers function will be removed from the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.

 7) SCRC events will be for members only.


 1) The Southern Cruisers Annual NATIONAL RALLY will be conducted in a location set aside by the President of the SCRC. In order to fund
the operating expenses of the SCRC, $1000.00 of the proceeds from the National Rally will be allocated to the SCRC Board of Trustees for
this purpose. The local Chapter/Chapters will be responsible for conducting rides and setting up motels for the Event. One motel will be designated as the headquarters and establishment of the headquarters will be done as soon as possible for maximum occupancy. The NATIONAL RALLY will be conducted in conjunction with a charity event for St Jude Children�s Research Hospital.

 2) State and Local Rallies are encouraged and the State/Regional Officer will be informed by the Chapter Officer wanting to host of the rally. State Rallies will not be limited to members in the State, but open to all members of the SCRC. Officers in charge of organizing these events should first contact the Board of Trustees  Events Coordinator at this address: Events  Coordinator .

 3) Chapters are encouraged to hold inter-chapter rides and weekend get-togethers. Chapters are also encouraged to attend local events and conduct local events so to promote the camaraderie of the club, increase chapter participation and demonstrate a positive public image. AMENDMENTS

1) These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of all the National Officers with the final approval of the President and ( CEO ) of the
 Southern Cruisers Riding Club.


Trademark Information

The Southern Cruisers Riding Club Patch and Graphic Replicas are Trademarks of  The SCRC, and may not be duplicated  or
 used in anyway, on or off line, without the express permission of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club Trademark Owner. Other
Company Names and Trademarks used in Materials on this Website may be Trademarks of their Respective Owners.
Copyright , Southern Cruisers National

Last Update 2020-11-22